ISG Dev Diary #20: What we’re working on and what's next


Hello everyone!

The release of the free 1.5 major update (now 1.5.3) was a success! This update added new Galaxy Shapes, Steam Cloud Saves, AI improvements, and much more. We want to thank everyone who has bought the game and the expansion packs so far, as well as the testers from our community who helped make this a very smooth free update! We really appreciate all the feedback we've received and we're proud to say the game is now very solid and offers a more fuller and engaging experience, and we couldn't have done it without your support.

Enhancing the game is something we are passionate about, and you can expect us to continue to deliver more content and a high level of support. So, with a few months past since the last major update release, we thought this would be a good time to write a bit about what we're currently working on and what you can expect next.

Work continues at full speed on the next free major update! As usual, you can expect free new content with improvements, bug fixes, balance adjustments, and quality of life enhancements for everyone to enjoy! This next free major update is on track for later this year.

And, get ready for this... On top of the next free major update, I'm thrilled to report that we are already working on the 3rd expansion pack for ISG! It's a bit soon for a release date but we'll keep you updated on the news and on when and what you can expect from this expansion. It will be epic, I can already advance that! You can sign the ISG newsletter to stay on top of all the major news.

We have a really good feeling about the items we are currently working on and can't wait for you to try them out. It can still take a while but we assure you that will be worth the wait!

If you haven't bought the game yet, now's your chance to get the game for 67% off! The Natural Law expansion is also on sale, and the Evolving Empires expansion is with a 34% off discount for the first time.

That's it for now. Thanks everyone for reading and for all the great feedback and support!

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